Church School
The HCC Church School is a fun place for children in PreK through 8th grade to be fully immersed in faith formation. Our students explore through a rotation model church school which utilizes a workshop format. On the first Sunday of each month, we introduce a Bible Story. The remaining weeks students rotate through workshops that include dramatic storytelling, art studio and the science lab. This model allows children with all abilities and learning styles to feel a connection to their faith through hands-on activities. All are welcome to explore and learn with us.
Students in grades 5 through 8 are invited to a weekly church school in the youth room. There, they will explore the basics of Christianity and the importance of community through games, discussions and videos. Additionally students in 8th grade have the opportunity to join the Confirmation class. the Confirmation program meets twice a month from 5-6PM under the direction of Re. Peter Allen and Director of Faith Formation Lisa Bundy.
For our younger explorers we have a fully staffed nursery. Children three and under will be able to play with their peers during the Worship Service. Our teachers foster faith by introducing simple Bible characters and stories through hands on play.