Adult Programs

“Growing In Faith Together”
This is a Thursday morning Bible and faith study for adults. The group meets from 9:00 to 10:45 a.m. weekly and generally follows the school schedule of vacations and holidays. GIFT is open to all on any given week.

Tuesday evening Bible Study:
Interested in learning more about the Bible? This lay-led study group meets on Tuesdays from 7:00 to 9:15 p.m. and has a long tradition of lively discussion based on the week’s readings.

Ladies Lounge:
A monthly gathering of women to share in fellowship. All are welcome!

Mens Group
The Men’s Group meets on the second Monday of the month in Hale Hall. Meetings typically are dinner follow by a speaker, or discussion. Some meetings are just plain social gatherings.

All Church Reading Group
Periodically books are chosen to be read and discussed over a 3 week period. Sessions are usually lead by a member of the staff. Check the monthly announcements for the latest book being discussed.

Wednesday Evening Prayer with Pastor Pete
Please join us via Zoom for
mutual support and prayer.
7:00–7:30 p.m.