Funded by the Eaton Emissary Endowment
Hingham Congregational Church
The Joseph E. Eaton Emissary Fund will support Hingham Congregational Church (HCC) members and friends of the Church to travel, study, and serve people in developing nations and in countries in crisis. It is established in order to encourage members and friends to venture into the world bringing the love of the people of HCC to those in need and to return to HCC to share what they have learned about God’s work, a different culture, and themselves through the experience. Successful applicants to the fund will receive partial or full funding for mission travel at the discretion of the Eaton Emissary Committee.
Priority will be given to HCC members but non-members who are in some way involved with the church and committed to the church’s mission also can apply. The applicant must travel to a developing country and participate in community service while studying the social and economic issues, problems, and culture there. This service ideally is carried out in collaboration with a service or educational organization.
Application Procedures:
The original proposal should be submitted with two copies, and must contain the following information:
1. Cover page listing the project’s title, the name of the applicant, the amount of the request, and dates of the project.
2. Purpose of the Project (no more than 1 page) describes the overall goal and objectives of the project.
3. Background of the Project includes information about the economy, health, education, religion, and culture of the country. This section should emphasize the particular social and economic issues and needs of the country and the contribution of this project to the stated purpose of the endowment fund.
4. Itinerary includes the dates and specific activities during the visit to the country.
5. Budget includes the costs of the project (including travel, supplies, housing, etc.), other sources of funding to which the applicant has applied, and other funds that have been received.
6. Feedback to HCC specifies the means and format by which the participant will share their experiences with the HCC congregation and the children of the Church School.
7. A brief resume should reflect any previous travel and/or service experience that may be relevant to the successful completion of the project.
8. Reference Letters (three are preferable)
Applicants may be asked attend an interview with the members of the Love Around the World committee.
Please direct inquiries to the church office.
No Deadline Date
Decisions will be made on an ongoing basis.