email to , mail/drop off to the HCC church office at 366 Main Street, Hingham or use the HCC website.
Questions? Contact Barbara McGovern , (781) 635-2385; Libby King or Debbie Edmundson
Auction ideas to get you started – from A to Z……..
A irport run…Archtectural services…Autographed books…
B abysitting…Bicycles…Birthday party helpers…
C aligraphy…Cheese tasting…Chocolate…Christmas ornaments… Clambake…Computer services…Concert
tickets…Cookies and cakes…Cooking classes…
D ance Classes…Design consultation…Dinner…Dog walking…Dump run…
E ntertainment…Exercise classes…
F eng Shui Consultation…Fishing trips…Flower arranging…Fresh caught fish…
G arage cleanout…Gardening services…
H and knit items…Handyman services…Harbor cruises…Horseback riding…
I ce cream party…Interior design…Island get-aways…
J ams and jellies…Jewelry…Juggling lessons…
K ayaking…Knitting lessons…
L andscape design…Language lessons…Legal services…Luau…
M anicures…Meditation…Microbrew tasting…Mountain get-aways…Movie passes…Museum tours…Music lessons…
N eedlework…New Hampshire weekend…Notecards and stationery…NYC Weekend…
O ld Ordinary tour…Olive oil tasting…
P aintings…Party helpers…Party planning…Personaltrainer…Pet sitting…Photography lessons…Pickleball lessons…Pies…Pool party…
Q uick breads…Quilt…
R eserved pews…Restaurant gift certificates…
S ailing excursions…Secret recipes…Ski weekends…Soups and stews…Spa services…Sporting equipment…Sports tickets…
T ea parties…Tennis lessons…Theatre tickets…Tutoring…