Annual Meeting



To the Members of the Hingham Congregational Church:

In accordance with Article VI, section 1 of the Bylaws, the members of the Hingham Congregational Church are hereby notified that the

Annual Congregational Meeting of the Church will take place on

Sunday, May 22, 2022, at 11:00 am – in Hale Hall and on Zoom

Passcode: 311754 Meeting ID: 839 7903 9286

for the following purposes:

  1. To approve minutes of:

           March 6, 2022 Special Meeting;

  1. To hear and vote on the annual reports of the Boards and Committees;

  2. To receive reports from the Senior Pastor and Moderator regarding the status of the church;

  3. To hear and vote on the slate of officers, Boards and Committees presented by the Nominating Committee and endorsed by the Executive Council, these to take effect at the conclusion of the Meeting;

  4. To hear and vote on changes to the by-laws; and

  5. To transact any other business that may properly come before the Meeting.

This is an important meeting and participation by all members of the Congregation is requested.

Karen von Loesecke, Church Clerk