
Senior Choir
We are blessed with an excellent music program led by outstanding people. David Giessow serves as choir director, and brings an extraordinary talent and innovative touch to the service. The choir preforms a wide range of music covering almost every genre. The choir practices on Thursday evening and again before the service on Sunday. New voices are always welcome and and the group has as much pleasure in singing together as the congregation has in listening to them.

Special Music
Our choirs usually combine to present a service of Lessons and Carols during Advent. Often, the Senior Choir will present a special music service in the Spring featuring a major work with Guest musicians and soloists.
In addition to the choirs, we often have special music presentations from members of our own congregation or from visiting artists. Jazz Sunday is a popular service, when visiting jazz musicians add a special addition to our worship service.

Folk Choir
Folk Choir members enjoy practicing and singing in Sunday morning worship about once a month. Terri Fortin is our organizer; musical leadership is offered by Steve Waynen, Ed Bartholomew and other members. We enjoy singing a variety of Folk-Rock worship music, coordinating our music with other elements of worship. We have a great time singing and raising our voices in worship to God! Please join us for a low key, fun singing and sharing experience.

Junior Choir
The JUNIOR CHOIR at HCC welcomes all girls and boys of any and all ages – pre-school through 6th – who enjoy singing and would like to share their voices in the worship of God during our 11am Sunday services. Rehearsals start shortly after church and church school are dismissed (usually by 11:20 or so) and usually last about 10-15 minutes.
New this year PRE-SCHOOLERS are welcome into the choir !! Please encourage your child, to sing in the Jr. Choir. Most kids love to sing, and this is a way for HCC’s kids to sing in front of a VERY friendly audience and to make a real contribution to the life of our church. If you do this, we just might have a larger choir in the new year. Directed by Ed Bartholomew.