Being a part of a community of faith provides the opportunity to share in life’s joys and challenges. Here at HCC we feel that this fellowship bonds us together in ways that strengthens our faith, our families, our church and our community. And we have a good deal of fun at the same time. Church is no longer defined as an activity that happens only on Sunday morning. Church for us, in it’s broader definition, is made up of people, people that have busy lives and many demands. Church is for all people, and we rejoice in being able to provide many meaningful opportunities for people to gather together and share the joy of community, and not just on Sunday. That for us is church, sharing our lives with others, working, playing, praying, laughing and supporting each other.
Please join us each Sunday morning, following the church service, for a nice cup of coffee or tea, or just conversation! Throughout the year, we host many gatherings for the congregation to enjoy – dinners at the church, parties at homes and lunches or brunches for special Sundays. We invite you to share in fellowship beyond the Sanctuary!